Jerry is setting a new example for his family. He wants them to quit smoking commercial tobacco as he did recently. He says "I do not want them to struggle with COPD [lung disease] as I do, or any other smoking-related illness for that matter!" With help, Jerry is enjoying his sixth month anniversary as a non-smoker. Jerry, 49

Toni says, “The AICTP helped me quit smoking. I’m six weeks in and I feel like I can do it this time with my Coach behind me.” She is achieving her goal using nicotine patches and says a trigger to smoke that she has to fight is being around other smokers at AA meetings. She appreciates getting encouraging text messages before the meetings; and she says she keeps herself smoke-free by using techniques learned from her Coach. Toni, 28

After years of commercial tobacco use, Chogun quit with help from the AICTP. Now, he is walking, working, riding his stationary bike and keeping his hands busy. For occasional cravings he still grabs a piece of nicotine gum when needed. Chogun tells other people to call us, "because they do great things." Chogun, 65

“Determination to quit, a determination that was stronger than ever before,” Debbie says is what made her finally quit commercial tobacco. Debbie had tried to quit several times before, but this time she called for help. “When I talked to my AICTP Coach we touched on the importance of tobacco in traditional ceremonial practices and how that affects my quit. It was very helpful.” Debbie says she made up her mind to quit and found the strength because she was concerned for the health risks and expenses of smoking. And she found strength from the support of her Coach. Having just quit, stay tuned for Debbie’s ultimate success story, but she is well on her way. Debbie, 40

"When I talked to my AICTP Coach we touched on the importance of tobacco in traditional ceremonial practices and how that affects my quit. It was very helpful,” Ray says. He quit smoking commercial tobacco 10 years ago and still feels great! He no longer needs to use the patches, or any NRT, and has been able to overcome cravings. This is the longest he has ever maintained a quit and says overall he feels very different and has a greater motivation to stay quit. Ray, 70

"I feel like only Natives can understand our struggle against cigarettes. It helps to talk to a Coach who has empathy. Thank you for having this service available,” says Joe. He’s gone nine months without having a cigarette. “I owe my success to the AICTP Quitline." Joe, 54